Traditionally, they work with the assistance of a third party. They've been used to launch nukes. Wikileaks used it to cause shenanigans. And you can sign up for some web-based solutions that will send pre-recorded emails for you when you show signs of being dead.
Of course, you have no control over that. the whole site might go down without you realising, rendering your efforts useless. So here's the same basic principle, implemented on your own software in bash script.
If you just want the script, skip to the end. It does things like this:
The Simplest Script Of All
We need three basic components to make this work:
- The main script file. When run, it checks to see if the timer has expired. If it has, it performs pre-set actions (like sending email)
- A method to 'reset' the timer. A one-line script file will work fine here.
- A way to trigger the first script to run. We'll use cron.
We also need a way to check whether we've hit the time limit. To keep things simple, I'm going to use the 'modified' time on the main script file. When it runs, it'll compare when it was last modified against the current time to act as the timer. To reset, you just need to run 'touch' to change the modified time. Easy, right?
So here's the main script, set to do the most important task of all: Delete Your Porn.
#! /bin/bash # Simple Dead Man's Script timelimit=30 #Number of days to wait without update let timelimit=$timelimit*60*60*24 #turn that into seconds lastaccessed=$(stat -c %Y $BASH_SOURCE) timenow=$(date +%s) let timeleft=($timenow-$lastaccessed) if [ $timeleft -gt $timelimit ] then rm -rf $HOME/myporndirectory fi
Here's the 'reset' script, saved somewhere on your desktop:
#! /bin/bash touch pathto/
And here's the line you have to add to cron (crontab -e to get there):
0 0 * * * pathto/
Simple, right? make the scripts executable, and if you ever go 30 days without running the reset script it'll delete all your porn. Careful with your holidays.
It can do anything that can be done from the command line. with minimal trouble it can ftp files around, modify/upload entire websites, start torrents, or just update twitter with what you had for lunch the other day. I want to use it to send an email.
The Slightly Less Simple Script
Obviously I took a simple concept and made it both unnecessarily complex and annoyingly basic. It now has a setup option that should work most of the time, and a 'test' option that emails yourself and makes sure it works.
Boring Notes:
- The setup option assumes a generic install - that you have crontab access, that you have a home directory, etc. It will fail horribly if run as root.
- The setup script creates a .dmswitch/ folder in your home dir. Inside will be the check script, the message file, and an attachment directory. The message file is plain text and as long as you need.
- It also adds a file to your desktop. each time you run this, it resets the counter.
- The setup is optional. If you manually move the files where you like and change the variables, it'll work just fine.
- I'm using sendemail to do the email sending since it plays nicely with gmail. You can use any other method you like. If you use the script unmodified you'll need to install sendemail.
- Any files in the attachment directory will be attached to the email. No spaces in filenames though, because I am lazy.
Quick Install:
On debian/ubuntu, it takes four lines and some variable editing.
- sudo apt-get install sendemail libio-socket-ssl-perl
- gedit (or nano, vim, emacs, etc.)
- paste in the script, and edit the email account details to your own. Save.
- chmod +x
- ./ setup
Test it by running .dmswitch/ test . If the email settings are correct, you should have a test email arrive shortly.
- rm -rf .dmswitch/
- crontab -e, remove the entry pointing to the script.
Finally, The Script itself.
#!/bin/bash # Basic Dead Man's Switch v1.0 # Options: # 1) dmswitch setup # sets up the script in your home dir with some default settings. # best to set it up manually or automatically rather than a mix of the two. # 2) dmswitch test # sends a test email to the itself. # 3) dmswitch reset # 'checks in' with the dead man switch and resets the counter to zero # Just does the same thing as touching the scriptfile. # 4) dmswitch # default. if the time has expired, IT WILL SEND AN EMAIL. #SETUP VARIABLES #some running variables are based on the setup vars setupdir=$HOME"/.dmswitch" setupattachmentdir="attachments" setupmessage="message" checkscript="" resetscript=$HOME"/Desktop/" croncommand="0 0 * * * "$setupdir"/"$checkscript #cron line for how often it checks expiry. Default is daily. #RUNNING VARIABLES #make sure you change the email settings. dmdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" timelimit=30 #Number of days to wait without update expired=0 emailto="" #The target address emailfrom="" #The account you send with emailusername="" #The username for your email account emailpass="myemailpassword" #password emailserver="" emailport="587" emailsubject="Automated email from Dead Man's Switch." message=$dmdir"/"$setupmessage # the text file you want your message stored in attachmentdir=$dmdir"/"$setupattachmentdir # put any attachments you want to include here #checks if the time has run out. Does the maths in unix time. function checkifexpired() { let timelimit=$timelimit*60*60*24 lastaccessed=$(stat -c %Y $BASH_SOURCE) timenow=$(date +%s) let timeleft=($timenow-$lastaccessed) if [ $timeleft -gt $timelimit ] then expired=1 fi } #sends an email. replace sendemail with whatever program you prefer. function sendemail() { attachmentlist=$(ls $attachmentdir) cd $attachmentdir sendEmail -f $emailfrom -t $emailto -u $emailsubject -s $emailserver":"$emailport -xu $emailusername -xp $emailpass -a $attachmentlist -o message-file=$message } #sets up a directory to run from and creates the necessary files. function setupdm() { mkdir -p $setupdir cp $BASH_SOURCE $setupdir"/"$checkscript rm $BASH_SOURCE cd $setupdir chmod +x $checkscript mkdir $setupattachmentdir touch $setupmessage echo "If you can read this, I'm dead or arrested or something" >>$setupmessage #append cron job to existing cron file (crontab -l; echo "$croncommand" ) | crontab #setup reset script on desktop touch $resetscript echo "#! /bin/bash" >>$resetscript echo "checkfile="$setupdir"/"$checkscript >>$resetscript echo "touch $""checkfile" >>$resetscript chmod +x $resetscript echo "setup complete" } #main script starts here checkifexpired if [ "$1" == "setup" ] then setupdm elif [ "$1" == "test" ] then #send test email to yourself emailto=$emailfrom emailsubject="TEST: "$emailsubject sendemail elif [ "$1" == "reset" ] then touch $BASH_SOURCE elif [ $expired -eq 1 ] then #send the email, and disable the script from running sendemail chmod -x $BASH_SOURCE else exit fi
Go wild.
Part two will cover the fact that not everybody leaves their desktop on for months at a time and suggest several overly-elaborate ways to trigger the reset while running it on a remote machine.